Providing world class instructional tennis services in Middle Georgia...
World Team Tennis
World Team Tennis is a fast paced, fun way to spend a weekend playing tennis with friends. We offer divisions for teams playing at the 3.0, 3.5, 4.0. and 4.5 level. Music, food, and friends…what more can we ask for? For you to join us! Even after the teams are set, there are usually still openings for alternates. WTT is offered twice a year, and if you are interested in being a captain, just let us know!
Matches are organized just like professional WTT. A set of men's doubles is played and women's doubles is played at the same time. Then, a set of men's singles and women's singles is played. Finally, two sets of mixed doubles go on. Total games won determine the winner. Cumulative scores are kept to determine who is eligible to move on to further competition – all the way to National level play in Indian Wells, CA in November. WTT rules can be found here.
World Team Tennis is as much about the party as about the tennis. You'll hear rocking tunes when you visit the snack table. Cheer for your team or your friend's team. Just don't miss the fun.
Macon Tennis Association (MTA) League
Macon Tennis Association has its offices at John Drew Smith Tennis Center. They organize several different leagues thatare offered most of the year. A list of the different leagues with estimated registration and play dates is available. For specific information, contact Macon Tennis Association at (478) 477-1957.
When you are ready for tournament play, you will find that your options will only be limited by how far you are willing to travel. Both John Drew Smith Tennis Center and Tattnall Square Tennis Center host several adult tournaments throughout the year.
Our list of tournaments remaining for 2016 are:
JDS Memorial - November 13-19
If you want more, you can search for them here.